E-commerce metrics and statistics
Posted by Benjamin
L. Bunnell, Avalon Investments, Inc., on September 21, 1999.
Last week I asked a series of questions relating to
e-commerce metrics and statistics. I was overwhelmed by the veritable
cornucopia of prompt and helpful responses I received. The flood of quality
responses was so great that I was able to find the answers to my questions
without needing to tap even half of the resources offered. I now share
these resources with the greater group. If you find them to be a tenth
as helpful as I did, you will not be disappointed. I found most of the
answers I needed at cyberatlas.internet.com
and www.estats.com.
(Check out the statistics and demographics links)
http://www.thestandard.com (Check
out the metrics tabs.)
I subscribe to ECARM News, which pushes an e-mail twice
a day with ecommerce news. There may be some useful links on their site:
My other suggestion is to contact the librarians at Amway 616.787.6000
(general number). The reason I suggest this is that Amway just launched
a sister company that is a digital destination for shopping. It is a huge
site, over 15000 pages, getting 30-40 MILLION hits PER DAY. It would seem
logical that the library there did research during the planning stages.
I know the librarian belongs to Buslib, but I cannot remember her name
and did not retain her e-mail address.
E-Commerce Information Portal : The Center for Electronic Commerce, DuPree
College of Management at Georgia Tech is a research and teaching center
devoted to the study of how organizations and managers make use of information
technology to manage in electronic environments.
E-Commerce Research Room : A comprehensive e-commerce
resource and portal.
E-Marketer : Commercial organization offering current awareness in the
field of e-commerce.
eCommerce Resources : Resources on the Internet for Electronic Commerce
(eCommerce). This is part of bookmarks, links that are presented on a
South Florida television program called Internet-101.com, a weekly series
explaining various facets of the internet.
Electronic Commerce and Internet Law Resource Center : Subject of the
internet and e-commerce from a legal perspective. Links to journals and
research papers.
Electronic Commerce Canada : Electronic Commerce Canada is a voluntary
organization composed of an executive from both the public and private
sectors. Some of the electronic commerce technologies addressed by ECC
include streamlining processes, interconnectivity, Internet, electronic
data interchange (EDI), electronic funds transfer, e-mail, security, electronic
document management, workflow processing, middleware, bar coding, imaging,
smart cards, voice response, and networking. Key philosophies include
implementation methodologies and technology standards.
Electronic Commerce Centers and Resource Sites : The Center for Research
in Electronic Commerce (formerly Center for Information Systems Management)
at the Graduate School of Business, the University of Texas at Austin,
is the leading center in the world for research and education in the areas
of Electronic Commerce (EC) and Digital Products.
Electronic Commerce Resource Center : The ECRC Program is sponsored by
the Department of Defense's Joint Electronic Commerce Program Office (JECPO).
The ECRC Program assists industrial and government organizations to enter
the world of Electronic Commerce.
International Sites on Electronic Commerce Policy : Links to international
sites with strong emphasis on the protection of intellectual property.
From U.S. Electronic Commerce Policy site.
Investorama: Internet Directory of Investors : Directory of investing
sites on the web, with more than 11,754 links in 141 categories, each
with a brief description. Comprehensive portal to investment links.
United States Government Electronic Commerce Policy : U.S. government
treatment of E-Commerce, presented in newsletter format. Comprehensive
links to other sites.
Take a look at www.emarketer.com:
they usually have good and free numbers
I don't know how helpful this might be but e-commerce
has come up on BUSLIB before and I get e-commerce questions available
so in an effort to organize the information that has come across my wires
so to speak, I created a web page with the links on; it's at
The Internet Index. Daily. Industry news and monthly
statistics. www.openmarket.com
Internet Statistics. U.S. Usage by domain, location, city. www.internet.org
Shop.org has a member survey that includes some customer
acquisition cost data, a summary is free on their website. Donaldson,
Lufkin, Jenrette did a survey of internet retailing in conjunction with
Excite, I believe it was released in April. IDC and Dataquest both have
reports on Internet retailing (which cost thousands of dollars), However,
I've had good luck finding summary tables in TableBase (file 93 on Dialog).
Georgia Tech's Graphics, Visualization & Usability
(GVU) Center has run WWW user surveys for the past 10 years. The results
are available at:
This new service of Nielsen Media Research lists Internet statistics on
its home page.
Take a look at http://www.commerce.net/research/stats/indust.html.
I haven't followed the links but there are predictions made in some categories.
Executive summaries of some of the older CommerceNet/Nielsen surveys are
also posted at http://www.commerce.net/research/stats/p_release.html.
Unfortunately I think you have to pay for the current stuff.
Check out magazines such as Datamation and Computerworld.
Also The Computer Almanac at http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/bam/www/numbers.html
Try www.nua.ie for
all kinds of internet stats and www.internet.com
for additional market reports/articles.
I recently put together a short list of e-commerce
web sites for our bi-monthly newsletter. I don't know if they will help
you or not but they are all pretty informative sites - worth a try. Good
(consumer protection)
While doing related research today, I came across the
following helpful sites:
Try these sites:
Not to toot our own horn but you might want to try
the PwC e-business site:
There is a lot of good industry information there.
on Septmeber 23, 2005 |